Ingrown Toenail Clinic
Searching for comprehensive ingrown toenail treatment? Melbourne residents know they can rely on Comfort Feet. We provide effective and straightforward treatments to remove your painful ingrown toenails, helping to prevent more serious or widespread infections.
An ingrown toenail occurs when the corner of your nail grows into the skin next to your nail—most commonly the big toe. Most of the time, you can treat an ingrown toenail at home, but they can cause complications, such as infections.
Ingrown toenails are often seen as an embarrassing condition to deal with but ignoring the issue will just lead to larger problems and more pain. The truth is, ingrown toenails can happen to anyone in Australia – and around the world – whether it is a hereditary cause, developed by using improper footwear or an injury.
Ingrown Toenail Treatment at our Melbourne Clinics
We provide stress-free, comprehensive ingrown toenail treatment for Melbourne patients to relieve pain and remove the problem with a quick surgery recovery time. If you’re wondering whether you can drive after, the answer is usually not straight away—your specialist can explain this to you in more detail. Don’t be put off by the surgery cost either—your health and wellbeing are worth prioritising.
Speak to our podiatric professionals at Comfort Feet today about our affordable and lasting ingrown toenail treatment in Melbourne. Call our dedicated team today on 1300 DR FEET (1300 373 338).

Ask our Podiatrist
If you have a question about your foot health, please ask us below. We’d love to help!
HICAPS Partnership
HICAPS now enables you with efficient and easy payment processing for private health fund claims, Medicare claims and lodgement of Worksafe Victoria claims. Comfort Feet Podiatry Group has been working with the following registered HICAPS Health Fund Partners to deliver exceptional podiatry services to your entire family.
Call 1300 DR FEET (1300 373 338) today!
Our clinics' trading hours are between 9.00am - 7.00pm depending on location. We are happy to accept pre-booked appointments out of the regular hours upon request.