Fungal Nail Treatment at our Melbourne Clinics

A fungal nail infection (also known as onychomycosis) is a common infection of the nail plate. The infection can occur on the nails of hands and feet; however, the feet are more common. For effective and long-lasting fungal nail treatment, Melbourne residents can count on our podiatrists.

The infection is caused by fungus spreading under the nail and into the nailbed. The fungus can infect broken or injured nails or may spread to the nail from a nearby skin infection such as athlete’s foot.

Fungal infections thrive in moist, warm environments, so it is common to contract fungal infections from walking barefoot in public spaces such as change rooms, showers, and public pools, or via unsterilised equipment at nail salons. It is possible for fungal infections to be passed from one affected nail to another.

Fungal Nails


Fungal infections can cause several changes to the nail plate. These include:

  • a yellow, or white discolouration of the nail
  • thickening of the nail
  • the tendency of the nail to become brittle, leading to crumbling or jagged edges
  • nail splitting from the skin underneath
  • pain and tenderness
  • an unpleasant aroma


There are a variety of different over-the-counter products for fungal nail treatment. Melbourne pharmacies stock anti-fungal treatments such as Loceryl, RejuveNail and Daktarin. These treatments involve filing back the affected nail and then painting the product onto the nail. Although common, these treatments do not always work for everyone and require treatment stretched over a long period of time.


Here are a few tips for the prevention of fungal infections:

  • wearing footwear around public changerooms, showers and pools
  • changing your socks regularly
  • wearing breathable shoes
  • trimming your nails straight across and smooth the edges with a file.
  • cleaning your feet regularly
  • drying your feet properly, especially in between your toes
  • visit nail salons that use sterilised tools for each customer

For comprehensive, effective fungal nail treatment in Melbourne, visit one of our clinics or call us on 1300 DR FEET—that’s 1300 373 338.

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Our clinics' trading hours are between 9.00am - 7.00pm depending on location. We are happy to accept pre-booked appointments out of the regular hours upon request.